[oXygen-user] Xsd to pdf, HTML

Thu Nov 26 09:32:54 CST 2009


(1) The overlapping text problem seems to come from the Apache FOP 
transformer involved in the PDF generation. We will investigate to see 
if there is some way to resolve it. We will also consider adding the 
possibility to select which column will be presented in the attributes 
(2) If you are using the HTML output format just use HTML elements and 
make sure to uncheck option "Escape XML content" from the "Schema 
documentation" dialog when generating the documentation.
For the PDF output format you can use Docbook 5 elements (also option 
"Escape XML content" must be uncheck ).
You can also use Docbook 5 elements for documentation  and generate an 
HTML by using a custom output format. When generating schema 
documentation oXygen creates an intermediate XML format that contains 
all the data collected from the schemas. Over this XML files an XSLT 
stylesheet is then applied and the final format is obtained. The 
stylesheet used for HTML output format can be found here: {Oxygen 
directory}/frameworks/schema_documentation/xsl/xsdDocHtml.xsl (available 
starting with version 11). Create your own XSLT stylesheet that imports 
"xsdDocHtml.xsl" and override template
<xsl:template match="annotations"> (element 'annotations' is from 
namespace "www.oxygenxml.com/schema/documentation"). In this template 
call your own templates that transform Docbook 5 elements in HTML ones.
The XML Schema of the intermediate XML format can be found at: {Oxygen 
installation directory}/frameworks/schema_documentation/xsdDocSchema.xsd

Best Regards,
Alex Jitianu
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

LAUN, Wolfgang wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm evaluating the documentation generation features (of oXygen 11.0, 
> build 2009110412), and there are 2 questions:
> (1) For a complexType the PDF generated from an XML schema may contain 
> an entry "Attributes", featuring a table with columns QName,  Type, 
> etc. Occasionally attribute names are longer than the width of the 1st 
> column so that the text overlaps with the Type in column 2.
> How can this be corrected? (We could sacrifice the Fixed column.)
> (2) xs:annotation/documentation added to types etc. is contained in 
> PDF and HTML output
> Is there a way to add markup to this text, e.g. for producing 
> <ol>/<ul> lists and other basic formatting?
> Thanks
> Wolfgang

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