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Re: [xsl] building path expressions around dynamic element node names

Subject: Re: [xsl] building path expressions around dynamic element node names
From: Rahil <qamar_rahil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 14:52:27 +0100

David Carlisle wrote:

You lost me there.

As always, a six line input file and a required result would be good


Tried a six line input.xml and some snippets of the .xsl processing as well as the sample output.html
Input xml file:

       <A><Class id="123">First</Class></A>
       <B> <Class id="897">Not Present</Class></B>
       <A> <Class id="567">Second</Class></A>
       <B><Class id="908">Car</Class></B>
   <A><Class id="567">SecondAgain</Class></A>
       <B><Class id="908">Not Present</Class></B>

Process xsl file:

<xsl:variable name="notPresent" select="'Not Present'"/>
<xsl:for-each select="/*/*/B/Class[.=$notPresent]">
<xsl:variable name="clsName" select="..//preceding-sibling::A/Class/text()"/>
<xsl:when test="matches($clsName,'(.)([A-Z])')"><!--only call the template if there is any word to split-->
<xsl:call-template name="splitTerm">
<xsl:with-param name="AName" select="$clsName"/>
<AWord>A Wrd: <xsl:value-of select="$clsName"/></AWord>

<xsl:template name="splitTerm">
<xsl:param name="AName"/>
<xsl:variable name="splitA" select="tokenize(replace($AName,'(.)([A-Z])','$1 $2'), ' ')"/>
<!-- if either token exists as a parent element elsewhere and has results in B node() then proceed to next.
E.g. tokens 'Second', 'Again' - 'Second' exists as <Second> in input file and has values in B/Class viz. 'Car' so proceed to next occurrence of 'Not Present'.

Output file (HTML):

A Entries B Entries

First                    Not Present
Second               Car
SecondAgain       'Occurs as Second'


Hope this is slightly clearer. Else please let me know. I dont want to land up writing 10 lines of code when it can be done in 1.


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