Class HighlightPainterInfo

    public class HighlightPainterInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    Information needed by the painter.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HighlightPainterInfo

        public HighlightPainterInfo​(Graphics g,
                                    int currentBoxHeight,
                                    Point origin,
                                    int relativeX,
                                    int textYPadding,
                                    int length,
                                    int startOffset,
                                    int endOffset,
                                    int baseLine,
                                    int fontAscent,
                                    int fontSize,
                                    Point parentLineBoxOrigin,
                                    int parentLineBoxWidth,
                                    int parentLineBoxHeight,
                                    int viewEndOffset)
        Renders the highlight.
        g - The graphics
        currentBoxHeight - The current box height.
        origin - Origin (upper left corner of the box in absolute coordinates)
        relativeX - The x relative to the origin where the highlight must start.
        textYPadding - The relative Y position from box Y used to paint the box.
        length - The length of the highlight, in pixels.
        startOffset - Start offset of highlight
        endOffset - End offset of highlight
        baseLine - The base line relative to the box start
        fontAscent - The font ascent
        fontSize - The font size
        parentLineBoxWidth - The width of the parent line box. Can be -1.
        parentLineBoxHeight - The height of the parent line box. Can be -1.
        parentLineBoxOrigin - The origin of the parent line box. Can be null.
        viewEndOffset - The end offset of the current view over which the highight is being painted.
    • Method Detail

      • setHighlightOverText

        public void setHighlightOverText​(boolean isHighlightOverText)
        It is set by the author layout, so that the painter knows the painted box is a text box.
        isHighlightOverText - The isHighlightOverText to set.
      • getGraphics

        public Graphics getGraphics()
        Returns the graphics used for paint.
        Returns the graphics used for paint.
      • getCurrentBoxHeight

        public int getCurrentBoxHeight()
        Current run of text/image height. Usually the highlight should expand as high as the containing box.
        Current run of text/image height. Usually the highlight should expand as high as the containing box.
      • getOrigin

        public Point getOrigin()
        Returns the origin of box, relative to the upper corner of the editor.
        Returns the origin of box, relative to the upper corner of the editor.
      • getRelativeX

        public int getRelativeX()
        Returns the relative X from where highlight should start.
        Returns the relative X from where highlight should start.
      • getTextYPadding

        public int getTextYPadding()
        Returns the relative Y position from box Y used to paint the text inside the box.
        The relative Y position from box Y used to paint the text inside the box.
      • getLength

        public int getLength()
        Returns the length of highlight, in pixels.
        Returns the length of highlight, in pixels.
      • setLength

        public void setLength​(int length)
        Set a new value for the length of the highlight, in pixels.
        length - the new value.
      • getStartOffset

        public int getStartOffset()
        Returns the start offset in content.
        Returns the start offset in content.
      • getEndOffset

        public int getEndOffset()
        Returns the end offset in content.
        Returns the end offset in content.
      • getBaseLine

        public int getBaseLine()
        Returns the base line relative to top, relative to the box.
        Returns the base line relative to top, relative to the box.
      • getFontAscent

        public int getFontAscent()
        Returns the font ascent.
        Returns the font ascent.
      • getFontSize

        public int getFontSize()
        Returns the font size.
        Returns the font size.
      • isHighlightOverText

        public boolean isHighlightOverText()
        Returns true if the highlight is done over a text view.
        Returns true if the highlight is done over a text view.
      • getParentLineBoxHight

        public int getParentLineBoxHight()
        Returns the height of parent line box. Can be -1.
      • getParentLineBoxWidth

        public int getParentLineBoxWidth()
        Returns the width of parent line box. Can be -1.
      • getParentLineBoxOrigin

        public Point getParentLineBoxOrigin()
        Returns the origin(absolute) of the parent line box. Can be null.
      • setHighlightOverImage

        public void setHighlightOverImage​(boolean isHighlightOverImage)
        true if the highlight is over an image
        isHighlightOverImage - true if the highlight is over an image
      • isHighlightOverImage

        public boolean isHighlightOverImage()
        Returns true if the highlight is over an image
      • setHighlightOverFormControls

        public void setHighlightOverFormControls​(boolean isHighlightOverFormControl)
        Set highlight over form controls.
        isHighlightOverFormControl - true if we have a highlight over form controls.
      • isHighlightOverFormControl

        public boolean isHighlightOverFormControl()
        Check if we have a highlight over form controls
        Returns true if we have a highlight over form controls.
      • getViewEndOffset

        public int getViewEndOffset()
        The end offset of the current view over which the highight is being painted.