Interface SchemaManagerFilter

    • Method Detail

      • filterElements

        java.util.List<CIElement> filterElements​(java.util.List<CIElement> elements,
                                                 WhatElementsCanGoHereContext context)
        Filters the elements proposed by the editor content completion schema manager. The original list of elements is obtained by examining the current document schema and determining what possible elements can be inserted in the current context. For example if person is the current CIElement, and the list of children contains the elements name and address, the result of choosing the person entry from the content completion window will be the insertion of the following sequence:
        Given this example, the original name CIElement can be replaced by a new one which returns a list with two new CIElements, firstName and lastName, on the CIElement.getGuessElements() method call. The new generated sequence would be:
        elements - The list of elements (CIElement) to be filtered.
        context - The WhatElementsCanGoHereContext where the list of elements is requested. If null then the given list of content completion elements contains global elements.
        The filtered list of CIElement or null if all elements are rejected by the filter.
      • filterAttributes

        java.util.List<CIAttribute> filterAttributes​(java.util.List<CIAttribute> attributes,
                                                     WhatAttributesCanGoHereContext context)
        Filters the attributes proposed by the editor content completion schema manager. The original list of attributes is obtained by examining the current document schema and determining what attributes can be inserted in the current element and taking into account the list of existing attributes.
        attributes - The list of attributes (CIAttribute) to be filtered. Can be NULL
        context - The WhatAttributesCanGoHereContext where the list of attributes is requested.
        The filtered list of CIAttribute or null if all attributes are rejected by the filter.
      • filterAttributeValues

        java.util.List<CIValue> filterAttributeValues​(java.util.List<CIValue> attributeValues,
                                                      WhatPossibleValuesHasAttributeContext context)
        Filters the attribute values proposed by the editor content completion schema manager. The original list of attribute values is obtained by examining the current document schema and determining what values are permitted for the current attribute. If the attribute type was an enumeration, then a list with the tokens of the enumeration will be returned for that attribute.
        attributeValues - The list of attribute values (CIValue) to be filtered.
        context - The WhatPossibleValuesHasAttributeContext where the list of attribute values is requested.
        The filtered list of CIValue representing possible values of the attribute or null if all values are rejected by the filter.
      • filterElementValues

        java.util.List<CIValue> filterElementValues​(java.util.List<CIValue> elementValues,
                                                    Context context)
        Filters the element values proposed by the editor content completion schema manager. The original list of element values is obtained by examining the current document schema and determining what values are permitted for the current element. If the element type was an enumeration, then a list with the values of the enumeration will be returned for that element.
        elementValues - The list of element values (CIValue) to be filtered.
        context - The Context where the list of element values is requested.
        The filtered list of CIValue representing the possible values of the element or null if all values are rejected by the filter.